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Heartsong Aussies WILL
- be of good temperament
- be happy and healthy
- be a loyal partner
- possess above average
   stock working abilities
- be an exemplery
   example of an
   australian shepherd

Heartsong dogs out there...

WTCH Heartsong of Shadowdance AFTDs OFTDc

with Kathi Schwengel of Shadowdance Aussies in Saukville, WI
black with white & copper female born 01/18/2012
OFA Hips Good, DNA N/N for CD, CEA, CMR1, DM, HC/HSF4, MDR1, PRAprcd

by WTCH Heartsong's Six Strings PATDs RTDcs OFTDm
out of HOF WTCH C-Me Ebony Not Ivory RTDs


Jig is a strong minded powerful stockdog and Kathi has done a wonderful job bringing out the best in her. She has earned her WTCH but really excels at everyday chore work helping Kathi care for a flock of 30 plus sheep and a few head of cattle.

Mekkado's Quell the Storm

WTCH FTCH Mekkado's Qualified and Ready, RTDs RM REX RAX RNX

Dibs, representin' on the ASCA home page!

with Kathy Males of Mekkado Kennel in Oneida, KY
and Cheryl Padgett of Hardrock Aussies in Cartersville, GA
black with white male born 06/24/2018
OFA Hips Good, DNA N/N for CD, CEA, CMR1, DM, HC/HSF4, HUU, MDR1, PRAprcd

by WTCH Starstuff's Tenor of Heartsong
out of WTCH FTCH Nineveh's Coquin of Mekkado RTDcs RN


Dibs is a nice young dog with tons of try in him. His sound temperament and desire to please mixed with his natural talent make him a pleasure to work and live with.

with Kathy Males of Mekkado Kennel in Oneida, KY
black with white female born 06/24/2018
OFA Hips Excellent, DNA N/N for CD, CEA, CMR1, DM, HC/HSF4, HUU, MDR1, PRAprcd

by WTCH Starstuff's Tenor of Heartsong
out of WTCH FTCH Nineveh's Coquin of Mekkado RTDcs RN


Quel is just starting out her stock training and we look forward to what her future holds.

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